What is Forge?

Laravel Forge is a server management and application deployment service. Forge takes the pain and hassle out of deploying servers and can be used to launch your next website. Whether your app is built with a framework such as Laravel, Symfony, Statamic, WordPress, or is a vanilla PHP application - Forge is the solution for you.

We live and breathe PHP here at Forge, but Forge is also ready to handle other tech stacks too, such as Node.js.

After connecting to your preferred server provider, Forge will be able to provision new servers for you in minutes. We offer you the ability to provision multiple server types (e.g. web servers, database servers, load balancers) with the option of having an array of services configured for you to hit the ground running, including:

In addition, Forge can assist you in managing scheduled jobs, queue workers, TLS/SSL certificates, and more. After your server has provisioned, you can manage and deploy your web applications using the Forge UI dashboard.

Forge IP Addresses

In order to provision and communicate with your servers, Forge requires SSH access to them. If you have set up your servers to restrict SSH access using IP allow lists, you must allow the following Forge IP addresses:





You can also access the IP addresses via the following URL: https://forge.laravel.com/ips-v4.txt. This is particularly useful if you intend on automating your network or firewall infrastructure.

If you are restricting HTTP traffic, your server must also allow incoming and outgoing traffic from forge.laravel.com.

The Forge IP addresses may change from time to time; however, we will always email you several weeks prior to an IP address change.

Forge & Envoyer Integration

Forge x Envoyer Integration

Forge now offers zero downtime deployments, thanks to a seamless first-party integration with Envoyer.

Forge API

Forge provides a powerful API that allows you to manage your servers programatically, providing access to the vast majority of Forge features. You can find the Forge API documentation here.

Our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Data Processing Agreement (DPA), provide details on the terms, conditions, and privacy practices for using Laravel Forge.

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